Monday, February 4, 2013

CHC Interviewed by KRCC-Western Skies

KRCC Radio Interview with CHC

Late in January we worked with Western Skies KRCC Radio to interview our leadership and members in the Gardner area for as part of their radio series on fracking.

We are fortunate to have been singled out as a proactive county in the clamor to frack and extract.  It is our hope that we can communicate the special nature of our setting and the challenges presented by the complex geology of the area.

Listen to the KRCC broadcast here 

Text from KRCC.....

In Huerfano County, the possibility of a fracking boom has been on the minds of residents for a while now. While some have welcomed the oil and gas industry with open arms, others are worried about what this might mean for their communities. KRCC’s Jake Brownell has this story of a group of concerned citizens in Huerfano County, and the challenges they’ve faced in their attempts to be heard.

To learn more about the Citizens for Huerfano County, head to their WEBSITE, where you’ll find a timeline of their lawsuit, information about proposed wells in the county, and much more.

HERE is a site outlining the steps taken by Shell and Huerfano County residents in third-party-moderated community forums. Shell sees these forums as an important way to address concerns and to ensure transparency as they do their work in the region.

Members of Citizens for Huerfano county urge people to regularly check the COGCC’s WEBSITE to learn about new drilling permit applications in their communities. The “permits” section of the site is searchable by county, and every permit is listed there along with documents and plans pertaining to it.

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