CHC is sponsoring a workshop Saturday, February 11, 2012 at the Gardner Community Center on well adjudication. We would like all Huerfanos who have water wells to come to this workshop to learn the pros and cons of well adjudication. We will also go over how to fill out the adjudication application form.
Here are the main points:
1. You may have a well permit, a well completion report, and/or a well construction and test report -- but if you do not get your well adjudicated, you have NO LEGAL STANDING in Water Court . This gives you a stronger standing to: (A) protest changes of use by other water rights owners that would affect your well or (B) protest new adjudications and changes in ownership of existing water rights holders, (C) protest reductions in your water quantity that you believe may be caused by the actions of other water rights owners.
2. An exempt well permit is issued by the State Engineer; a well adjudication is issued by Water Court Decree. Per the Division 2 Water Clerk in Pueblo, exempt wells will remain exempt from administration even after a decree has been issued.
3. Adjudication DOES NOT require augmentation! As long as your well pump is stated at or below 15 gallons per minute (gpm) you do Not have to file an augmentation plan.
4. It easy to file an adjudication form and right now application fees are temporarily reduced from $250 to $182. The completed forms can be taken to Pueblo’s Division 2 Water Court (Pueblo Co. Judicial Building, 320 West 10th Street, Pueblo CO 81003,Phone: 719-583-7048) to get the paper work stamped.
Adjudication application forms will be available at the Feb. 11 workshop at the Gardner Community Center.
Bring to the workshop –
a. Your well permit,
b. well completion report and/or
c. well construction and test report.
If you do not have these, you will need to go online and find your well on the USGS hydrologic survey map and/or DWR well register site and
WHERE: Gardner Community Center
WHEN: February 11, 2012, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm